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Science & Sorcery Term2

world building inspring aspiring writers

Thursday, 25 April 2024
7:00 am
8:30 am
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Tim Hunter
Working as a freelance writer/editor since 2015, Tim has completed writing, and editing projects for a range of clients, including engineering firms, local radio scripts, along with various editing jobs for personal clients. As of 2022, I have established my own small business, offering the same services, in addition to coaching and consulting on writing projects.      
Facilitator/Author/Freelance Writer/Editor
The Lighthouse Toowoomba WIX website banner_edited.jpg
'Science + Sorcery Club'

For aspiring writers aged 13-17:

Create unique characters and wildly imaginative settings to make your story ideas come alive, particularly for those interested in science fiction and fantasy. Learn how to create and evolve your unique characters and wildly imaginative settings to make your story ideas come alive, particularly for those interested in science fiction and fantasy. These genres give us a chance to imagine stories, alternatives, speculate on the impossible, or simply ask: what if? Untangle your ideas to create great backdrops for stories, homes for heroes and villains, or exciting settings for role playing games, like Dungeons & Dragons.

All members of the 'Science & Sorcery' Writers Club are welcome to access Tim's mentoring sessions FREE. These sessions are held on the same day as Club, 3:30pm to 4:30pm. Students are welcome to use a hot desk to write more after the mentoring session and then attend Club 5:00pm to 6:30pm. 

'Science + Sorcery' Writers Club starts on Thursday 25 April, 5:00 to 6:30pm, for 8 weeks (until Thursday 13th June) 

The cost is $120 per person and includes access to the mentoring sessions, held on the same day, 3:30pm to 4:30pm. 

Should you like to come along for a trial or join midway through the term, we are very much a "more the merrier" club so please contact us to work out the finer details. We hope to see you.



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